

Robert Yount

Canyon Rim Retreats founder, health coach and Nutritional Balancing practitioner-in-training. He is currently working directly with Dr Wilson and Susan Cachay and has been studying the links between health and nutrition for the past seven years. He is very excited to be able to offer nutritional balancing retreats at his home at Canyon Rim and help people improve their health and vitality.



Dr Lawrence Wilson, MD

Director of Center for Development, Inc. located in Prescott, Arizona. Dr Wilson will review all Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. He has a Bachelors of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a medical degree from the Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Ensenada, Mexico. For over 30 years he has worked as a nutrition consultant developing the science of nutritional balancing. Dr Wilson has reviewed over 35,000 hair mineral analyses.



Susan Cachay

Ms Cachay is a Registered Nutritionist based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She is certified in Nutritional Balancing and has been practicing for over eight years. Susan Cachay trained directly under Dr. Wilson and is currently one of his instructors, teaching this science to other nutritionists and practitioners.



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Nutritional balancing is not a substitute for regular medical care. It is not a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any disease or condition, mental or physical. Instead, it is a means of reducing stress and balancing, strengthening and restoring body chemistry. When this is done, many health conditions improve by themselves.