Many people have made dramatic improvements on a Nutritional Balancing program. These testimonials are from Dr Wilson's clients:
Acid Reflux: “When I began a nutritional balancing program I followed the diet very carefully. However, I could not take any supplements for the first 3 months due to stomach problems.  Despite that, my thyroid function changed tremendously. I can now take supplements without stomach upset. My acid reflux has stopped, and I was able to stop taking Nexium." - K.B., USA        
Allergy & Environmental Sensitivities: "When I did all my allergy testing last month, my MD doctor was so impressed with the nutritional balancing program because my results were absolutely amazing compared to years past.  We talked for over an hour about the program.  He was very impressed." - A.H., California
Feeling Much Better: "This morning, as I was going through my daily healing ritual — coffee enema, making chicken bone broth for the week, chopping veggies for the day and juicing — I became overwhelmed with this amazing feeling! I have taken my health into my own hands! I have empowered myself on such a deep level. I know what it is to heal and how amazing our bodies are. Yes, we can heal!" - S.K., California
Healthy Pregnancy: "We had our baby! My delivery went really well — he's nursing like a champ and growing so fast! We had a healthy little boy, I am so glad I found out about nutritional balancing while pregnant; I am sure my baby is much the better for me eating meat and tons of cooked vegetables and taking those supplements. You know, since starting the program, I haven't been sick once! My pregnancy was so easy. I had lots of energy and a great mood all the way through. I had no baby blues afterwards and was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight three days after delivery!" - E.C., Canada
Morgellons, Brain Fog, Bipolor: "During the first month, I began to notice my fingernails dramatically improve along with my energy level. My concentration improved and my brain fog began to dissipate.  I noticed my "menopause pot belly" began to go away along with my cellulite after a couple of months to my fascination and delight!! My head was shaved due to the sores on my head from the Morgellons. The sores began to go away and within 4 months were completely gone!! My hair started growing back extremely lustrous and shiny and thicker than it had EVER BEEN with no gray!! I was both amazed and ecstatic!! This program definitely works for me!!” – K.P., USA
Pregnancy, Brain Fog: "I discovered Nutritional Balancing when I was four months pregnant. I’m 23, but struggled with spaciness, feeling ‘zoned-out’, and brain fog. On the program, these problems disappeared almost instantly. Once I added in the supplements, my energy really improved.  I had such an easy pregnancy with no problems at all. When I weighed myself a week after his birth, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight and my energy was great again. Before starting the Nutritional Balancing program, I had always struggled with chronic dry skin, cravings for carbohydrates and sugar, excessive fatigue, constipation, and feeling constantly cold. After only several months on the program, these problems have almost completely disappeared. I also have not gotten sick once since starting the program!" - E.C., British Columbia, Canada
Prostate Cancer gone: "I began a nutritional balancing program 18 years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had been to Europe and elsewhere with little success. Now, at age 80, the cancer is gone, my teeth are healing and actually filling in, and I feel like a man of about 40.  I take care of a large home, inside and out, and have energy to spare.  I stay on the nutritional balancing program because it appears as though I am getting younger, not older." - E.F., Arizona




Nutritional balancing is not a substitute for regular medical care. It is not a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any disease or condition, mental or physical. Instead, it is a means of reducing stress and balancing, strengthening and restoring body chemistry. When this is done, many health conditions improve by themselves.

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Bend, Oregon, USA
