
Why Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?

It seems every day there is another diet plan or a "must-have" supplement or some new system for counting calories. It can quickly become overwhelming! Worse, how do you even know if it's helping? That's why a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is so important. Hair mineral analysis is more accurate than blood analysis, so it can often find problems that aren’t evident through more commonly performed medical tests. Using a hair tissue analysis we're able to obtain over 20 mineral levels that provide us your "Vitality Metrics", such as your oxidation type and hair tissue level for calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and many more give us a powerful indication of how resilient your body is right now. Through periodic re-testing you are able to track your progress over time to see real results!

Many common disorders show up as imbalances: 

  • Digestive disorders are often related to zinc and copper imbalances
  • Thyroid gland issues related to a low calcium/potassium ratio and low available manganese, iodine and selenium
  • Adrenal gland issues often related to sodium level, and sodium/potassium and the sodium/magnesium ratios and other patterns
  • Arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure often show up as an elevated calcium level three times the norm 

If you have had any common health symptoms such as weight issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, depression, blood sugar problems, chronic stress, thyroid, adrenal or gut issues, addictions, emotional or physical problems, then a hair tissue mineral analysis may be something for you to consider.

HTMA is non-invasive, easy to perform test that only measures minerals.

  1. Mineral levels. These are the actual numbers or readings of more than 20 the minerals on the test.
  2. Mineral ratios. This adds significant complexity and a great deal more information.  Dr. Paul Eck found that the ratios are usually more important than the levels of the minerals.  This has to do with homeostatic states of body chemistry, which means states of balance or equilibrium.  These are represented by ratios between the minerals.
  3. Simple patterns.  These are combinations of the levels and/or ratios.  I use some 20-30 of these, and there are probably more.
  4. Complex patterns.  These consist of combinations of levels, ratios and simple patterns.  I use about 20 of these.  We find several more of them each year.  They can become very complex, at times.
  5. Changes over time and the rate of change.  By comparing two or more tests when a person has followed a nutritional balancing program, one can discern changes over time of the levels, ratios, simple patterns and complex patterns.  One can also discern the rate of change of all these.

Based on your mineral levels, ratios and patterns from your Hair Mineral Analysis we are able to know what specific nutrients you need to optimize for your unique biochemical profile, as well as help your body manage persistent toxic exposures you experience in daily life. 

We’ll also determine your oxidation type and give you a better understanding of how well your adrenal and thyroid glands are functioning in response to stress, diet, food supplements, and medications.

Is this Chelation Therapy?

Other systems may prescribe chelation therapy as a means to rapidly remove toxins from the body. But that approach often reduces the body's vitality level, while not addressing the underlying cause for the toxic imbalance. Nutritional balancing, on the other hand, rests the sympathetic nervous system to allow deep healing to occur and strengthen organ elimination. This allows the body to "clean house" on its own, which is a much gentler, more natural and complete approach to detoxification.

Nutritional balancing helps to safely, comfortably and inexpensively eliminate toxic minerals and chemicals from your body that are impairing your vitality.

Nutritional balancing provides slow and deep detoxification using several therapies working together.

Is this Replacement Therapy?

Other systems may read blood serum or tissue tests and recommend supplements for minerals with low levels. However, a more effective method is to understand the underlying cause of the low level. For example, a deficiency in one mineral may actually be caused by a high level of a bio-unavailable antagonist mineral. Thus, these two or more minerals must be brought into balance together. Simply supplementing to add more of one will not achieve the desired results. Nutritional balancing allows the body to replenish nutrient minerals naturally.

New to Nutritional Balancing? Then the place to start is with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.


Nutritional balancing is not a substitute for regular medical care. It is not a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any disease or condition, mental or physical. Instead, it is a means of reducing stress and balancing, strengthening and restoring body chemistry. When this is done, many health conditions improve by themselves.

Contact Us to Learn More

Bend, Oregon, USA
